New Hope for All is a group of advocates who believe strongly in being included in all communities and having full citizenship rights. As one member puts it, "We do not belong in segregated institutions, sheltered workshops, special schools, or nursing homes. We can live in the same neighborhoods where you live and work. We can work in worthwhile jobs, and we know how to help each other."
Our mission is to create a space for people whose voices have not always been heard so they can feel empowered and advocate for their rights.

New Hope for All meets the third Wednesday of every month at 5:30 pm, and advocate on a variety of public policy issues. Priorities also include advocating for increases in wages, access to transportation, and recognition for people working in the community.
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 266 936 098 169
Passcode: qCe58Q
If you or someone you know is interested in joining, please contact Swanisha Hinton at shinton@thearcbaltimore.org.