Last year when the threat of COVID-19 was first emerging, we faced some tough decisions. Keeping people safe was our absolute priority, but we knew we were going to turn people’s lives upside down. The first days were frightening and the following months were uncertain in so many ways, but we faced them together.
The people we support showed fortitude, from those who suddenly needed to stay at home to those continuing their work in essential jobs throughout Baltimore. Our frontline direct support professionals stepped up big time. Many shifted from their roles in day programs to people’s homes that now required daytime support. Others shifted to keep contracts and other services going. “Our leadership team was challenged beyond belief. This year demonstrated the strength of The Arc Baltimore through our commitment to one of our core values – Unity. From our entire team of professionals to our Board of Directors we supported each other so that our mission continued without interruption.”
The year has not been without loss. We have mourned; and we yearn for a return to our normal human contacts. A step toward that came through the clinics we held this winter and the 1600 vaccinations administered. It was a gift to see relief and hope in the eyes of the people we support and our team.
Our annual report this year is dedicated to all of our staff and the people we support who faced the challenge of the pandemic and who continue to do so. The theme of “Facing COVID” is represented in their images and their words in the following pages. Whether masked or not, their eyes show resolve. We will see our way through this and will face the future together.
Kathleen McNally Durkin
Thomas Sand
we support and staff
at nine clinics
a State of Emergency
Kim Becker,
Chief Operations Officer
Jamie Stoner,
Vice President of Quality Enhancement
TJ Gordon,
Day Services and Family Living
Kelly Bell,
Director of Family and Independent Living
Ashley Willis,
Foster Care Clinical Supervisor
Antonio Cipolla,
Career Catalyst Graduate,
Weis Markets Lot Attendant
Danielle Gipson,
Employment Support Specialist,
Project SEARCH
Ramie Mays,
Senior Director of Day Services
Rose Greenwood,
Day Services
Zelda “Peaches” Guster,
Direct Support Professional,
Day Services
Arista Williams,
Director of Community Living
Hartley Gray,
Community Living
Tracy Voelker,
Board of Directors
President Thomas Sand Ernst & Young LLP
Vice President Erik P. Daly BDO USA, LLP
Treasurer Gregory J. Hogan SC&H Group
Secretary Jill M. Vocci, O.D. Pediatric Eye Care of Maryland
Immediate Past President Joseph P. Ward, Esq. Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.
Marianne Bishoff Carter Machinery Company, Inc.
Larry Burley, Jr. BGE
Melissa Dabrowski Exelon
Gail Garland Heart of Life Services
Donald Himelfarb Retired Executive
J. Patrick Miles T. Rowe Price
Alicia Morgan-Cooper, M.D. Village Pediatrics
Paris Price Self-Advocate
Crystal Stephens The Arc Baltimore / Self-advocate
William Stocker Student at Stevenson University / Self-advocate
Alyssa Thorn, Esq. Project HEAL, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Rodney Toulson Restorative Counseling Services / Parent Advocate
Tracy Voelker Self-advocate
Tiana D. Wynn SB & Company, LLC
Matthew Yancisin Carefirst Community Health Partners
(In thousands)
- Cash / Receivables:
- Property and equipment (net):
- Other assets:
- Cash / Receivables:$15,124.0
- Property and equipment (net):8,957.2
- Other assets:4,897.8
- Without Donor Restrictions:
- With Donor Restrictions:
- Without Donor Restrictions:$13,367.7
- With Donor Restrictions:601.0
(In thousands)
- Government agencies:
- Contracts and other revenue:
- Public support:
- Government agencies:$34,884.8
- Contracts and other revenue:14,065.6
- Public support:498.5
- Program services:
- Management and general:
- Fundraising:
- Program services:$42,522.1
- Management and general:4,649.1
- Fundraising:238.4
- Endowment contributions:
- Investment income, net:
- Pension-related changes other than net periodic pension costs:
- Endowment contributions:17.7
- Investment income, net:111.3
- Pension-related changes other than net periodic pension costs:(258.6)
- Net assets at beginning of year:
- Net assets at beginning of year:12,059.0
- 45% - Employment and Day Services
- 40% - Community Living Services
- 10% - Administration and General
- 5% - Outreach and Family Services
Each year the board of directors engages an independent certified public accountant to audit The Arc’s annual financial statements. An unmodified report for fiscal year 2020 was issued by the auditor. A complete copy of the auditor’s report can be obtained by contacting the advancement office.
The Baltimore Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brandenburg
The Civitan Club of Baltimore
Michael Conelius
The Ellen W.P. Wasserman Foundation
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Fdn.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Himelfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Hurley
Maryland Emergency Management Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Moag
Phillips Charitable Foundation
Safeway Foundation
Scientific Plant Service, Inc.
United Way of Central Maryland
William E. Karlson Charitable Fund
Blades & Rosenfeld, P. A.
Capital Services, Inc.
Chet and Dorothy Duke Charitable Fund for The Arc Baltimore
Ms. Allison Coffey and Mr. Michael Ogrysko
David & Barbara B. Hirschhorn Fdn.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Itzoe
Lockton Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mays
Melwood Training Center
Mutual of America
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sand
The Thomas W. Bradley Foundation, Inc.
Venable Foundation
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
The Whiting Turner Contracting Company
Advance Business Systems
Bolton Partners, Inc.
The Campbell Foundation, Inc.
CareFirst Community Health Partners
Mr. Russell Cipolla
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Davison
Dr. and Mrs. Kirk Denicoff
Dimensional Health Care Associates, Inc.
Ernst & Young LLP
Expense Reduction Analysts
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Levinson
Mary K. Bryant Trust U/A
Ms. Kate McGuire and Mr. Bayard Williams
Mrs. Kathleen McNally Durkin and Mr. Brian Durkin
Miles & Stockbridge P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond B. Nolley, Jr.
Oak Contracting, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Oliver
PDP Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rosner, Esq.
SC&H Group
Summit Financial Group, Inc.
TBC, Inc.
The Jerome and Sonia Baum Charitable Foundation, Inc.
United Healthcare
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Young
Mrs. Marianne Bishoff
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Bonham
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Burley Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carter
Mr. Patrick Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter
Mrs. Sandy Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. Erik P. Daly
Mr. Bill Fallon
Mrs. Rita E. Feher
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Glowacki
Golden Considerations
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goodkind
Mr. John Gretschel
Mr. David Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwin Hook, IV
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hudak
Trust of Helen M. Hughes
Ms. Norma Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Jones, Jr.
Kennedy Krieger Institute
Lois and Philip Macht Family Philanthropic Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Mayer
McClung Logan Equipment Company, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mohler
The Propeller Club of Baltimore
Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Terry Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sfekas Esq.
Ms. Donna Sills, Esq. and Mr. Michael Sloneker
Ms. Nancy Simms
Steel & Wire Products Company
Ten Oaks Homes
The Arc Maryland
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Toulson
Mr. Richard Travia
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Uzarowski
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Vocci
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Ward
Mr. David Yalowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Yancisin
Alban Tractor LLC D.B.A. Carter Machinery
Baldwin Law Group
Mr. and Mrs. Kimberly Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Bullinger
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting
Mr. Michael Cashwell
Ms. Janet Commarata
Ms. Laura Concannon
Ms. Nancy Dorman
Mr. Christian Ehrhardt
Ellin & Tucker, Chartered
Soni Erhie
Mr. Francis Fallon
Mr. Jonathan K. Ferrell
Mr. Thomas J. French
Mr. and Mrs. James Gannon
Ms. Shirley Garrett
Mrs. Lisa Graham
Mr. Gregory Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kenney
Dr. Michael Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Knoerlein
Ms. Mary Anne Lacour
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lagas
Legal & General America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leitner
Mr. Daniel D. Leonard
Leonard Paper Company
Mr. John Meyerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Mohler Sr.
Mr. Jake Moloznik
Ms. Margaret Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morgan
Dr. Alicia Morgan-Cooper
O'Conor & Mooney Realtors
Dr. Lawrence C. Pakula
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Pecora
Mrs. Susan Plitt
Ms. Tracy Pruitt
Mr. Mark Puente
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richards
Mr. and Mrs. M. Delmar Ritchie Jr.
Mr. Scott Shane
Mr. Scott Tabakin
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tyler
Ms. Margaret M. Ulle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wagner
Mr. Michael Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ward
Mr. Don Watts
Ms. Diane Westgate
Mr. Anthony Williams
Ms. Tiana Wynn
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you feel there is an error, please contact our Development Office at 410.296.2272 x5220
Special thanks to Dr. Andrea Leary and her Argumentation writing class at Loyola University Maryland who assisted with interviewing many of our staff and telling their stories.