
Learn more about The Arc Baltimore’s active board of directors.



Tiana D. Wynn
SB & Company LLC

Tiana is a partner at SB & Company, LLC (SBC) with 19 years of experience in public accounting and spends a significant portion of her time dedicated to serving employee benefit plan audit clients. She is actively involved in leadership, training, and business development of SBC’s employee benefit plan practice. Tiana provides significant input and oversight   over  her  firm's  employee  benefit  plan  practice's  audit  methodology, highlighting the importance of planning and risk assessment. Tiana has a master’s in business administration from Loyola University and is a graduate of the University of Maryland. Tiana is a member of the AICPA and serves as a member of the Employee Benefit Plan Executive Committee, Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants, National Association of Black Accountants. Tiana serves on several not-for profit boards including The Arc Baltimore and Charm City Care Connection and is the immediate past president of NABA Baltimore.


Vice President
Matthew Yancisin
Alterwood Health, Inc.

Robbie Thompson
Ernst & Young LLP

Marianne Bishoff
Carter Machinery

Immediate Past President
Erik P. Daly
Fulton Bank


Larry Burley, Jr.

Ericka N. Covington
Coppin State University

Melissa Dabrowski

Tyler Duckett-Oliver
Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.

Gail Garland
Heart of Life Services

Tavon Jackson
Advocate / Carter Machinery

Erin Montgomery
Intra-Cellular Therapies

Erik Moore
Moore Wealth


Alicia Morgan-Cooper, M.D.
Village Pediatrics

Paris Price
MD Brand / Advocate

Steven Rice
RBC Wealth Management

Chris Schantz
Northrop Grumman

Chrissy Thornton
Associated Black Charities

Tracy Voelker

Jenene Washington, M.D.
Renaye James Healthcare Advisors

Rico Winston
Urban Development Group / Parent Advocate

Directors Emeritus

Gordon S. Bonham, Ph.D.
Bonham Research

Robert Davison
The Ridge Ruxton School (Retired)

Matthew J. Dillon
McCormick & Co., Inc. (Retired)

Christine Ferciot
Family Advocate

Eric L. Gross
Masonic Villages at Sewickley

Donald Himelfarb
Retired Executive

Jerome G. Katz ***
Towne & Country Furniture (Retired)

Gilbert F. Kennedy, III
Colombo Bank

James A. List, Esq.
The Law Offices of James A. List

Neil MacDonald
MedStar Union Memorial Hospital

Frances Macsherry
Hunts School (Retired)

Janet Mayer ***
Parent Advocate

Liz Moag
Family Advocate

Carla Murphy, Esq.
Duane Morris

Edmond B. Nolley, Jr.

James P. O'Conor
O'Conor, Piper & Flynn (Retired)

Sean O'Conor
O'Conor and Mooney Realtors

William H. Oliver
Retired CPA

Mark T. Pare'
National Government Services

Dennis F. Rasmussen
Rasmussen Group, LLC

Jeffrey Rever
University of Mayland, Baltimore / Self-advocate

James F. Rosner, Esq.
Chason, Rosner, Leary & Marshall, LLC

Pat Rosner
Family Advocate

Tom Sand
Ernst & Young

Mary E. Scott
Baltimore County Public Schools

Frank Seaborn

Thomas Sessomes

Stephen J. Sfekas, Esq.
Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court

Donna Sills, Esq.
Greenberg Gibbons Commercial

Eugene P. Smith, Esq. ***
Weinberg & Green, Esq. (Retired)

Richard Spooner***
Bendix Corp. (Retired)

Jill Vocci, O.D.
Pediatric Eye Care of Maryland

Joseph P. Ward, Esq.
Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.

Earnest Woodard
University of Maryland / Self-advocate

Matthew G. Yancisin
Alterwood Health, Inc.

Michael J. Young
SC&H Group

*** Deceased

Past Presidents

1950       Captain William F. Goldsmith
1953       Herbert L. Wynne
1954       Elizabeth Haynie
1956       Charles E. Abel
1959       Leon Pierson, Esq.
1960       Philander Ries
1961       George H. Hoffman
1963       Margaret Ann Black Ulle
1965       Clarence W. Schultz
1967       Sybil Devay Schartz
1969       Harry R. Shriver
1971       Richard M. Spooner
1973       Alexander Hamburger
1975       George W. Ellis
1977       Alyce D. Reiter
1979       Philip W. Chase
1981       Matthew J. Dillon
1983       Eugene P. Smith, Esq.
1984       Nicholas VanSant
1985       Christine Ferciot
1987       Calhoun Bond, Esq.
1989       Frances Macsherry
1991       James F. Rosner, Esq.
1994       Joan M. Avent
1996       Donna M. Sills, Esq.
1998       Michael J. Young
2000       William H. Oliver
2002       Edmond B. Nolley, Jr.
2004       Matthew G. Yancisin
2006       Gilbert F. Kennedy III
2008       Eric L. Gross
2009       Mark T. Pare
2011       James A. List
2013       Carla N. Murphy
2015       Neil MacDonald
2017       Joseph P. Ward, Esq.
2019      Thomas Sand
2021      Erik P. Daly


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Administrative Headquarters & Towson Day Services
7215 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212

Dundalk Day Services
1401 North Point Road
Baltimore, MD 21222

Homeland Day Services
4800 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212

Contract Services & Seton Day Services
6151 Metro Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215

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